Well, so far, so good....of course it's only the first day...
Hey there happy juicers! Welcome to day one. Had my final meal yesterday with two good friends at Whole Foods Market - a lovely, LARGE, salad for lunch and then we went shopping at Trader Joes for enough produce to last me the week.
I got up this morning weighed myself (starting weight - time to get vulnerable here - was 187 pounds. My goal weight is 150 pounds and I am 5'10" but small boned, this will put me at a size 6 or 8) bright and early and started out with a big glass of lemon water. I then proceeded to make a big breakfast of scrambled eggs, toast and turkey bacon for the kiddos. (Am I a good sport or what?)
I have been juicing, drinking water or hot tea, all day with no problems and no major temptations. But again, it's only the first day. I'm quite sure they will come. I feel great, a little sleepy so I took a nap. The first week you are encouraged to get plenty of rest as you detox, fatigue is very common.
No other big news to report - but I will say this, ask those around you to pray for your success! I haven't told everyone that I'm doing this, merely because not everyone is going to understand. As I get farther along and people start to ask me what I'm doing to lose weight, or why I look so good (it will happen...guaranteed) then I will tell them. I did, however, tell my closest friends that I know will support me and I asked them to pray. A 60 day fast is a huge undertaking and I know that it will come with trials and temptations, ups and downs, and I truly believe that when it comes to prayer, there is power in numbers.
A few notes - periodically I will share some links and youtube videos, plus whatever tips I have and eventually some photos of my juices, and before & after pics.
So here is a website that you can go check out, one of my personal favorites, with tons of info to get you started on your own juicing journey PLUS my menu for the day:
Mara's Menu for Day 1
Lemon water upon rising
9:00 a.m. 16 ounces of grapefruit, orange, ginger, lemon, grape juice
hot herbal tea
11:00 a.m. 16 ounces of grapefruit, orange, ginger, lemon, grape juice
1:30 p.m. 16 ounces Mean Green juice (celery, kale, spinach, lemon, apple, ginger)
(insert long nap here)
4:30 p.m. 16 ounces Mean Green juice (celery, kale, spinach, lemon, apple, ginger)
6:00 p.m. 2 cups potassium broth (this is made from potatoes, carrots and celery cooked at a very low heat with water for 30 minutes only - you strain out the broth and drink it for the first week, this is a specific fast I got from a good friend)
hot herbal tea just before bed
**Feel free to post any questions you might have for me in the comment section below and I will do my best to answer them. Inappropriate or rude comments will be deleted immediately. We are here to support one another. Thank you.**
What was the purpose of the Potassium broth? Did it help with your hunger?
ReplyDeleteHi Jenny - yes the potassium broth helps with the hunger and it's also nice to have something hot & savory when you are fasting. You get tired after awhile of the juices since most of them are pretty sweet. I only used the potassium broth for the first week and didn't find that I needed it after that, but my sister has used it all along and still has successful weight loss 50+ days later. Hope that helps.