Sunday, June 9, 2013

Day 14 - Drinking Problem

My best friend called me last night and in the course of our conversation, she asked me how my drinking was going.  I told her it was going great!  I'm drinking 2 gallons a day now!

It's true - one gallon of fresh amazing juice every day and one gallon of pure water a day.  Sometimes I add in some vegetable broth or herbal tea too!

I found a photo of myself taken before I started losing weight, one I feel comfortable sharing with you.  Not quite ready to show my before photos of my whole bod, but one day, toward the end I will.  In the meantime, here's a couple of head shots for you!


25% of the way there.....

Can you see the difference in my skin?  So cool!!

I wish I had a better, more close up shot for the before, but frankly like most overweight people I avoided the camera like the plague!  I decided today to stop hiding from the camera.  Why should I?  I'm looking darn good and besides, life is too short.

It's crazy how my walk with Jesus has become more intimate since I began this journey.  I'm finding myself praising Him with tears in my eyes on a regular basis.  At the risk of sounding like a corny romantic, suddenly seems more beautiful and I can't help but look to the Creator and give thanks.  The fog has definitely lifted at this point, and I'm so appreciative of every little thing.  I can certainly understand why people are reluctant to end their fasts when they get to their stop date.  This is amazing!

I wanted to share with you some of my little extra tricks to make this fast go a little smoother.  Really, when it gets right down to it all you NEED is the juicer and produce.  However, I have found these little goodies make my life a lot easier.

First, I use a body brush every day before I bathe.  Got mine at Walmart for like $5.  You brush your skin with it in a circular pattern - the whole thing (ladies, skip the tatas) and if you can find one with a long detachable handle that's even better.  Makes it easier to reach your back.  Dry brushing your skin removes dead skin cells (aiding in detoxification - remember your skin is your largest organ) and also helps to stimulate your lymphatic system, which in turn helps to decrease cellulite.

Second, I use a nut milk bag every day.  You can get these on Amazon or at Whole Foods and probably any health food store in your area.  They are basically just a fine mesh bag that you strain your juice through.  I do this to get every last bit of pulp out of my juice before I drink it.  You would be surprised how much pulp is still in your juice when it comes out of the juicer!  And remember, we are giving our digestive system a break right now so we want no pulp!

Finally, I take a supplement called Cascara Sagrada.  You can get this at Walmart too - for about $6/bottle.  It's an herb that gently irritates the lining of your colon and helps you to keep regular while you are fasting.  Between this and the weekly enemas, I am clean as a whistle!  (hahaha!)

That's about all I have for today - tomorrow is my measurement check.  Yay!!  Really excited to see how I'm doing.  I've already had to get rid of most of my wardrobe since the clothes are falling off me.  Now I just need to find some money somewhere so I can get a few new things.

Lord God, bless my friends who are reading this today and keep them safely in the palm of your hand.  Guide their steps and allow them to know the love you have for each of them.  In Jesus name, I pray!  AMEN.

Tip of the day:

Get out and get some sunshine each day!  Sunlight is absolutely crucial to our health as it provides vitamin D.  Just be sure to put on some sunscreen if you plan to be out for more than 20 minutes.

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