Uh yeah, so not feelin' it today people. I just want to crawl under the covers and cry all day and feel sorry for myself.
I didn't sleep at all last night, which is the first time that's happened since I started. I normally sleep like a rock! But I tossed and turned and finally gave up at 6:00 a.m.
And as the day has progressed I'm finding myself achy all over and emotional, and of course even more sleepy than normal since I was up all night. It didn't hit me until late this afternoon.
AHA! Detox has finally arrived! Took 11 days, but it's happening. I'm actually glad to see it because I knew that my body was toxic, it had to be! I've been on prescriptions for so many years that my poor liver was about to go on strike! Now I'm finally getting all those nasty poisons out of my bod once and for all.
The food cravings and hunger has abated considerably and sometime in the last few days I made a decision. I'm absolutely not going to give up - no matter what it takes. I'm in it to win it, as they say and frankly I think I'm worth it!
I've always sorted of coasted through life, not really thinking too much about what I was putting into my body. If I was hungry, I ate, and it never occurred to me that some foods could be toxic to my system. Yeah, I knew that certain things would make me fat or cause upset stomach. But actually, literally, causing my health to slowly fail.
To be honest, I rarely gave any of my non-organic fruits and veggies more than a cursory rinse with water before eating them, until now. In the course of my research I've read and seen more about food production in this country and how food affects our health positively or negatively, than I ever knew was possible.
Frankly it's pretty scary! We need to open our eyes...I'll say it again, if you haven't already seen the following documentaries, go watch them. NOW.
Food Matters
Forks Over Knives
Hungry for Change
Food Inc.
It will revolutionize the way you eat and the way you treat your body. I promise. And after all, our bodies are temples for the Holy Spirit. We should be treating them with the utmost care and respect :)
That's it for today, will be back tomorrow if I get more time, it's my honey's 50th birthday so I could be busy celebrating. Blessings on each and every one of you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit!
Tip of the Day
When you want to give up, when the cravings become too much, when it doesn't seem like it's worth it...go back and read that list you made! You remember the one right? The list I had you make of ALL the reasons why you are doing this. If that doesn't work, read it again.
One other thing, if you are brave enough. I had someone take a photo of me in nothing but a sports bra and pair of spandex workout pants at the start of my weight loss journey. (Yuck! My temple needs to be remodeled!) I made that my wallpaper on my computer! You could do the same thing, or put it on the refrigerator. Remember where you came from and why you don't want to go back there!
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